Friday, May 8, 2009

Love is Cool

A week which started slow
Has ended in a glow
I had my doubts on love
But, now, I'm soaring above


If we’re facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking (ancient Buddhist expression).

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail (author unknown).

100, 200, now 300 posts (and counting). A truly amazing experience of awakening, friendship, addiction, understanding, fellowship and enlightenment.

Thank you,Co-bloggers, for walking with me, teaching me, and inspiring me with your ineffable blogs!

Thank you, Readers, for reading what I write, for what good would they be in a dark trunk?

Thanks to everybody who leaves comments. You know how I thrive on feedback :)

I wouldn’t exchange this journey in blogosphere for any other!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Genuine Land for Sale in the City of Accra

Wonderful Accra! The city where you have to purchase the same strip of land twice or thrice, even after you have employed a lawyer, a private eye and bribery to ensure that you obtain laager land and not a lame, leaky lawsuit.

I was driving with Office Female #2, when we espied a dingy display board with the words “Genuine Land for Sale”. It says a lot that that wasted plank did not simply say “Land for Sale”. Should I expect to see another carelessly confess “Fake Land for Sale”?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Face Transplants & Other Random Questions

Who's ever seen a fake cell phone?
Are we now transplanting human faces?
Is actress Morena Baccarin any good?
Isn't "brand" Oprah-KFC a greedy publicity monster?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Public Offence

Public nose-picking
Because you'll roll the bogey around on your finger, and then try to shake hands with me!

Using a tooth pick in public
There must be a reason why your lips were made to cover your gums (and teeth)!

Shouting on the phone
I may be far away, but your mouth is to my ear!

Breaking traffic rules!
Because my dog could drive better than you!

People who stare at you in the traffic jam
Get a life, don't compare or size me up!

Many more things...
Get a life, I have work to do!

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Childhood Arch Enemies

It is a big, furry fuzz in my mind right now, but, even in those early days, I had discovered the superiority of brain over brawn, mind over muscle. It must be that group of boys (and I am not a wuss): Koo Prince, Manfred, Kwaku Bawuah, etc, etc, who would form two kung-fu, kick-ass posses, and hector one another and everybody else at snack time. O how I hated them!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama in Japanese & Other Random Questions

What is this craze in the Japanese form of names?
What is this other craze with
Who’d have thought Chrysler would go bankrupt?
Should the UK have entered Iraq at all?