Because of our hairy history of railroading
our impotent institutions of democracy, any bloke in boots, a beret, a big belt
and a badge – never mind whether they’re even private security – demands deity-deference
because they can slap-slap you to Paga, Pluto and then Purgatory.
Paradoxically, the most disciplined and
brightest security outfit by far in our democratic sparks has always been the
So when Ghana’s national security enforcers
advertise their brawn like a neon billboard right outside a court of law, you’d
expect their civilian masters to pull the leash and put them in the doghouse.
Why should our shadowy moles unleash their
cloak-and-dagger 'yawa' on the streets and sow insecurity in the deepest hearts
of the lamb they’re sworn (?) to protect. This week, they pummelled a girl journo
and rent her clothes to dishonour her. If she was taking shots of an unfolding
public scene which they resented, why not simply arrest the offending camera. And
even that...