A teacher is playing Verb-Charades with his eight-year old pupils. He goes down on all fours, and they shout, “Teacher is crawling, teacher is crawling.”
He gets up off his hands and they scream, “Teacher is crouching, teacher is crouching.”
He stands up, and they yell, “Teacher is standing, teacher is standing.”
He starts bobbing on the spot, and they call out, “Teacher is jumping, teacher is jumping.”
From here, things take a macabre turn. The passion of the moment seizes the teacher, and he feels he must outdo himself to please his pupils. He puts a table in the middle of the classroom, just under the fan. Take stands on it and takes off his belt. He makes a noose and puts it around his neck.
As the teacher mimics a hanging man, the pupils break into the refrain, “Teacher is hanging, teacher is hanging.”
The teacher starts to dance to the rhythm of the pupils’ chants. He sways this way and that. He gyrates a bit too hard, and the table collapses under his feet. The children love it – their teacher can act so real!
Outside in the other classrooms, the teachers become a bit worried. The refrain, “Teacher is hanging” has been going on for ten minutes, and the devilment of the pupils is rising into a frenzy.
“Teacher is hanging, teacher is hanging”
When the other teachers run into the classroom, the teacher hangs dead from the ceiling fan!
(Picture credit - blogs.pitch.com)