Thursday, June 25, 2009


After work on Wednesday, the Beauty Queen regaled us with this droll memoir. Many years ago, her neighbourhood kiddies club organised a Pick-n-Act. This gaucho-guy who felt ‘très bien’ plucked the nod to ape [a model on] the catwalk. Cool Dude slumps slowly on all fours, and begins a feline tread.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Accident

This morn, while braking at the traffic light
The car abreast was still in flight
But, too late, he changed his mind
And a big bus ate his behind!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Liberty of Cremation

Hmm, Alpha Lion. He’s mightily mirth-provoking, these days. Alpha Lion is desperately disinclined to die. He aspires to linger on, on ephemeral Earth evermore. He double-dares divine delight under the darling domes of heaven. Alpha Lion is scant seduced by saccharine stories of eternal celestial praise and carols. He’s coolly considering cremation or cryonics when he expires geriatric. He confesses a carnal dread of not being able to inhale and exhale if he is interred upon death. Wow! He elects the liberating feeling of cremation!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tracy & Stacy

i saw two of the same face
together in one happy place
feeding on the double beauty
became my pleasant duty.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hmm, TV3, Long Tennis?

On its Saturday-morning enfants entertainment, TV3 shows an instructor coaching the callow school-goers on a rousing game with yellow-green balls, rigid rackets and a sprawling net on a concrete court. The ritzy caption on the screen calls it – LONG TENNIS! What are they teaching the infants? Erm, Roger Federer, can you sms me on how green the LONG at Wimbledon is, when you get there?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Broiled, Blistered Backside

Alpha Lion pitched an unblest rivalry with his big sister when growing up. One morning, he had heated his multi-purpose water in an aluminium bowl. Big Sis just wanted a cup for chocolate, but Alpha Lion would not share. He put a lid on the bowl of hot water, and sat on it, while still in his pyjamas. The lid slid and down he sat in the scalding water. The harder he tried to get it off, the tighter these pyjamas stuck to his simmering flesh.

When they finally stripped him down, he had to cool off the affronted arse, first in frosty water, and then in front of a standing fan. Then, for weeks, he had blister-and-burn treatment. Needless to say, he has learned his lesson. He loves all his siblings to bits. Alpha Lion just told me this story after work. I went looking for Tiger 2 and Black Rhino to help me strip down Alpha Lion to inspect the lingering scald marks, but he bounded down the stairs.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Village Court

they come here
with problems
they used to solve
over a quick drink

and leave here
with new troubles
they did not have
in their simple days

what they seek
is alien to their ways
who they come before
does not think like them