Friday, January 30, 2009

Academic Licence to Kill

One misty, moisty morning, in the early 2000s, at the University of Ghana, Legon, a professor beat his student black and blue in his office. Now, lecturer-student battering was so common in those days, that this bludgeoning almost went unnoticed. Ok, that is not quite true. Because it was so hideously shocking, people started to ferret for information. Why would a distinguished professor lay aside his dignity and take his bare knuckles to the junior jawbone of a student? The answer arrived quick and thick with scandal. The martyred undergrad had taken two things from the cruel Sensei.

The dandy don was besotted beside himself with a girl in his African Studies class. Being all brawn, but not very ballsy, he found a boy in his class to deliver daily presents and notes of love to the Legon Lovely. Between the dispatch and handover time, confusion must have settled on his roguish mind, for the double-dealing Boy Student presented himself as the Giver-of-Gifts and the Lost-in-Love. So, Girl Student falls for Boy Student in the praying (or is it preying) Professor’s stead. Professor finds out, and gives Boy Student a first-degree demolition.


  1. poor fellow... he's a chewer, i mean the Mr. Otua, while the 'muncher' Mr. O.. must gallantly dust off the beating... hehehehehe!

  2. haha...Boy Student should have fought

  3. oh my God. Your language is amazing, your story is disgusting. And what is worse, I'm not as shocked as I should be.

  4. You wicked wordsmith!
    A triangle depicting the profound power of mutualism gone wrong.
    What happened to this professor de la bunkers!

  5. Well, Nov, in this case, the lines become fuzzy, and you don't know who is whose victim.

  6. The Professor was a Bull. Boy Student was much much smaller. Lol.

  7. Thanks and sorry at the same time, Yngvild.But I think you should be shocked by the tale.

  8. Posekyere, we did not hear anything after that. Other scandals unravelled.

  9. Pray do tell - is this kick-boxing professor now walking with the aid of a third leg?

  10. Kiz man! Been out of touch with the uni landscape. Therefore I do not know who you mean. We can (yes, we do it too) GOSSIP offline.


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