When you blow a cloud of dust on my face, or spill a cup of water down
my back, tickle my pits, dribble your forefinger down my cheek, or trickle
melted chocolate on my chest while I’m asleep, without my consent, you have
assaulted me in law. So when videos went viral of Ghanaian G.I.s (hyperbole
alert!) choke-holding, hammer-locking, strong-shoving and face-tossing a
pussycat journo on Independence Day, I joined to shout the ‘shame’ refrain. And when the military opened Ostrich investigations, called as many as zero witnesses
and played possum with the raw, stripped, naked truth, I dog-pissed on their decency.
What did they go and do? They went to say sorry. I accept; I hope the victim
does too.