Sunday, May 9, 2010

7 Votes

My totally loud, know-it-all roommate goes to bed at 6 p.m. It is 2001. My roomie has just stood for election as Hall President at Legon Hall in the University of Ghana. I know he is infamous, derided, mocked. He thinks he is popular, famous, loved. He wins! Not the elections. He wins 7 votes out of over 5000. Take away 4 (the number of his roommates). Take away 1 (his own vote). He just had to sleep early, right?


  1. Anonymous10 May, 2010

    Self-deception is bliss!

  2. Evidently, he was a chicken (on account that he went to bed so early). lol

  3. Kwame Mensa-Bonsu10 May, 2010

    All unpopular people don't realise it till the votes are counted. Sad really.

  4. it does happens. lol. forgotten PHP's General Erskine? He won only a vote...knowing that he had family members...

  5. LOL, call for early sleep for sure, lol.

  6. @ Maxine: Yes, really!

    @ grahamghana: Indeed, and I have loads of blissm myself ;-)

    @ Lyrix: Empty barrels make the most noise. The emptiness is not just about sense, it is about courage too.

    @ Kwame Mensa-Bonsu: You say the smartest things.

    @ Nana Fredua-Agyeman: I do remember the venerable General. His wife and kids apparently voted against him.

    @ Myne: Lol.


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