Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Taking a Phone With Me

When we die we leave behind all things material. But what if one object could go with us?

Virgin Mobile Lobster phone - Virgin Radio

If I had to go today, and I could take one object or thing with me, and still use it on the other side, it'd probably be my phone. I'd like to call everyone I love, except that I'm wondering who in Heaven (or elsewhere, lol) provides the service? What object would you take? Would you take a person? Lol.


  1. I'd take a laptop. Why? Cuz everyone I need to talk to is online lol

    Besides, with skype, I can CALL any landline and cellphone I want :D

  2. I'd take a kindle. So i'd have thousands of books to last me that lifetime

  3. hmm tough question.. I'[ll take er my ipod...just in case the journey gets boring..:D

  4. Since i like reading ,i ll definitely take along my favorite book.

  5. I'll take along my laptop

  6. Kwame Mensa-Bonsu23 March, 2010

    Time...so i can correct all mistakes.

  7. I'll take a full-body fire/heat-resistant suit just in case my destination is errrm ... a little hot.
    If I make it to a better place, I can always sell the suit @ the pearly gates.

    Esi, make sure your kindle is fire-resistant. (you know I'm just playing right?) LOL

  8. My PSP, hands down. I'd have my Skype, my browser, my games and my music. If there's no internet access, I guess that leaves me with music and games...not a bad bargain.

  9. I'll take my phone (and its charger). I can call people on it. Play music. Surf the web (I hope they'll have Verizon Fios there). Manage my calendar (there'll be loads of things to do in that lifetime)... Best of all, I can look at pictures of my wife on it to remind me how blessed I was to have had to privilege of being her husband!

  10. Hmm...my phone too I guess. :D


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