Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ghana's Elections 08 - The Finish Line

With nearly ninety metres run
It's one step forward, two steps back
It just is not great fun
That both have below half the pack


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry Nana Yaw, I had to delete my previous comment it was not written in English. I seemed to have picked up tonsilitis from the hinterlands. What I was saying was that indeed it is the anxiety associated with this slow ballot count which is no fun at all to watch. It also looks like the race may be re-run and the winner will be almost certain next time around.

  3. Yes, Aby, everything now hangs on a string. As I comment, one of the 2 parties is holding a 'provocative' or 'unavoidable' press conference to pre-empt things.


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