Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Technical Knockout

A judge in a Kumasi High Court cannot resist the urge to interfere. He finishes off sentences for witnesses in the box, and adds, “Not so?” Often, the witness answers that the judge is wrong in his hasty conclusion, and he has to apologise with embarrassment. When we successfully raised a legal objection in our own case, he mocked the other lawyer by saying, “technical knockout!”

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Ghana Harm Forces

The two forces with legitimate stockpiles of arms in Ghana showed little patience in May. A soldier thought he could ride an unlicensed bike. Two cops would not ‘let him through’. He escaped and brought his whole hyperactive platoon. Cops in Kumasi fled here and there or were felled with hammer blows. If either or both of these armed forces turned on civilians, then, God help us!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Finding Nemo...or Nimo

As seen on TV early this morning. Do you want kids to embarrass themselves around their friends? As for Nimo, you won't find him underwater - try Kejetia in Kumasi.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Traffic Tax in Accra?

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has always wanted to introduce a congestion tax. Cities everywhere share common problems and a common difficulty in solving them. If New York mulled (or mulls) an $8 congestion charge for motorists who would drive to the city centre, what would be appropriate for Accra, $5? It is not easy to say that a congestion tax will work and reduce the city traffic. Accraians are famous for their need to show off. Many Ghanaians appear to be fabulously rich. Impose a $10 traffic tax, and more people pour in to show they are rich. Would you support the congestion charge?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Will Your Partner Cheat?

How distastefully dubious does the telecom tussle for your custom become! It is egregious entrepreneurship, idiotic innovation and macabre marketing. I caught the following crawling text on a television channel: Will Your Partner Cheat on You? You pay peak premium by tart-texting your partner’s name to a given number, and the ‘Capitalist Conscience-less’ will tawdry-text you the ‘answer’. What would you do if it came back ‘Yes’?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Singles Bars in Accra

If there are any singles bars in the City of Accra, I do not know them. Do you? I have heard that there are haunts for more extraordinary ‘seekers’, so why not ordinary singles? Anyways, knowing the poly-inclinations of the young and old in this city, if there were singles bars, they would invaded by cheating ‘paireds’.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ambulances = Civilisation

Helicopter: an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round. It can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in one position in the air.

Ambulance: a vehicle with special equipment, used for taking sick or injured people to a hospital.

Ghana: a prehistoric country with few ambulances and no helicopter ambulances.