Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nigerian Women – A Different Breed?

Today, I tried to catch a quick swim before Ghana’s failed football final, but changed my mind at the poolside, for the water showed slightly green. Before I turned around, I ‘glamoured’ this group of 5 or 6 Nigerian girls gaily splashing about. They cat-pawed observers like me with their clothes-off body-confidence, easygoing splendour of fun, and the lingering look they lavish you with when something about you interests them. All this, and they were not even lovelier than the local competition... didn’t need to be.

10-Second History of Ghanaian Corruption

Just observing a trend, under military governments, soldiers have become rich. Under democracy, the wealth has gone to civilians. Corruption is always a coincidence...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bookshop Brute

I observed an Asian Aunty and her attendant, a Ghanaian guard/greyhound. She was looking for receipt books. She stood stone-like at one cool spot and sent him countless times to sundry shelves. Every time he returned, she would yell that he'd made a gaffe, and slap the books out of his hands onto the floor. I am wondering what was making her do that.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dodo Driving in the city of Accra

Necrophiliac Neanderthal, you stopped dead in front of me, in the middle of the street for a fate-flogged farm girl to ‘frog’ into your car. When you looked down, as I drove past, were you more ashamed of the wench or your dodo driving?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rat Race v Human Race

What's the difference between a Rat Race and the Human Race?

A Rat Race is run by humans, not rats; the Human Race has some 'rats' in it, but no running at all.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Why doesn’t “Adultery” mean doing the things that adults do, like lying habitually, or having sex, or having sex with other people’s people, or treating children like they’re small? Anything that adults typically do...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Can Cantata Get Any Tarter?

I accept that we mustn’t criticise creativity too cruelly or we could crush and cremate it. But, please, would some maundering meddler kindly clarify how “Cantata” crept onto national TV in the first place?