Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Multi-Tasking in the Toilet

My office mates and I were bartering wisdom on how to bank our first millions of dollars, when Office Female #2 traipsed in. Faulting our after-hours chatter as thick-too-staid to spark and sizzle in the bored brain, she introduced the simple question: Can you pee and poo at the same time?

The quaint question set us thinking, but no sure answer came. Recall to the early morning did not unravel the mundane mystery: whether Necessity Number 1 could take place simultaneously with Necessity Number 2. Mock muscular movement would not settle the matter either, so we made an all-round resolution to pay particular attention the next morning.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu & Other Random Fears

And now, it's Swine Flu
Looking for me and you
And the undefeated Taliban
Looking to take Pakistan!

Sick Love

She only asks a question;
He slaps her for an answer;
She holds where it hurts;
She apologises! They hug each other!
She apologised? Huh?

Friday, April 24, 2009

How Miss Jackson Listens to the Radio

Miss Jackson lies hushed, facing the ceiling with her eyes tightly closed. Slowly stretching out her hand, she feels and fumbles for the little dial. The sonic stations sail by, as she furrows her eyebrows to focus. She flits past a sound-spurt, and inches back till it’s finely tuned in stereo. She folds her hands across her tranquil torso, slackens the tautness back to her soft face, allows herself a victory smile, and, then, she slides into repose mode again. Miss Jolly Jackson doesn’t care a jack plug what station she listens to. If she likes what she hears, the dial stays put.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random Questions

Should Caroline Caz Pal even be famous?
How long before Zuma exposes himself?
Does Myrtle Beach boast of anything besides fires?
Hasn't Obama ever abused credit cards?

The Music Videos in the City of Accra

The music videos in the City of Accra are faithful to life; no flimflam that there are no plump and lusty women in our city, or in the world. These ample damsels romp, roister, dance, model, flirt, swing and do whatever else it is they do just like the slim sistas.

In other worlds, it is all right for male artistes to be pretty portly, but even they permit only slender video vixens. Whoever knows any real women knows that the quality of womanhood does not come with size.

Jumbo size; bouncing here; flouncing there; rolling along; taking heavy, sure steps; each dance move delivered deliberately, displaying a dash of delicious damsel delight. There’s no damage done to the video. So, why leave them out?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bacon Bra, Earth Day & Other Random Questions

Is the Bacon Bra not taking things too far?
Wouldn't you rather talk about Earth Day?
Is South Africa's best hope Jacob Zuma?
Did you know about Hashima Island yesterday?