Sunday, November 8, 2009

Colourism – The Brown Paper Bag Blows about in Accra

This week, we will explore something of the concept of the brown paper bag in Accra. I do not have to explain the brown paper bag test, do I? It is quite a dangerous topic, but that is why I am so excited about exploring it with you.

P.S. For an explanation of "brown paper bag" please click here


  1. This topic cannot be explored enough imho. As much as people like to pretend, colourism is alive and well in Ghana.

  2. Can you explain for some of us who don't understand? Thanks

  3. that brown paper bag that makes it difficult for people to say no! is it?

  4. Kwame Mensa-Bonsu09 November, 2009

    Ban it? lol

  5. Thanks, Sankofa. We will explore it as best as I can in one week.

  6. Yes, Maxine. Someone has to do it, no? Lol.

  7. I think I know what you're saying, Fredua. So, yes!

  8. Lol, Kwame. Ban the informal test or the tone?

  9. Myne, I put up a post-script for you.

  10. Kwame Mensa-Bonsu10 November, 2009

    Both Cuz! Both! What is wrong with us?

  11. Kwame Mensa-Bonsu10 November, 2009

    No one should be discriminated against based on some colour test. Please go with what is in the coconut upstairs. We have a serious lack of skills already, not to talk of other self-inflicted problems.


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