Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trick Call Exposed


He hobbles back into the car
His home now seems so far
The long drive back is Scheming Time
Revenge for her cruel crime

Back home, he hears sweet shower sounds -
His woman unannounced?
He draws the curtain to one side -
A man douches his bride


  1. tit for tat..."Revenge is a kind of wild justice" Francis Bacon.

  2. Wat the hell! Almost felt sorry for him.
    Is that what you call " have ur cake and eat it" NY :))?
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm man is sure greedy, but then again you know how Ghanaians love free lunch lol!
    Blue balls well deserved.

  3. NY, "douches his bride" owwwwwwwwww my dirty mind can't help but play lol!

  4. Anonymous16 July, 2009

    There is something almost everyman wants when they come back from a hard day's work; a woman waiting on the shower...ready,willing and able...Nice touch.....

  5. Are u saying, Nana F, that his 'bride' was getting her own back at him for what he tried to do to Miss Damsel in Distress?

  6. Lucci, at your comment #1, he has more than blue balls now, no? He also have a broken heart and a bruised ego.

  7. And, Lucci, at your comment #2, douche is used in its general synonym sense for wash.

  8. But, Anon, do you think a man wishes to see his wife in the shower with a usurper? :-)

  9. Didn't see that coming...

    Sweet twist.

  10. Thanks, Raine, but I must share this compliment with a dear co-blogger friend. Thank you, friend.

  11. "douche" must never be taken in the literal sense. Let loose all imaginations, a man was douching his bride, naked in the shower!

  12. Thank you Pen Powder, my imagination is all over the place.

  13. Of course, Lucci, knowing you!

  14. when one knows not the meaning of a word one misunderstands. one must humble himself and look in a dictionary. one is me. i understand. i like very much.

  15. Dude, life is a bore - and victims there will always be. Hop into the shower and join the party! A threesome never hurt anyone.

  16. Kiz, how about turn around and drive right back to Miss Damsel-in-Distress and try again?

  17. hehehehehe

    adds more to the beauty of the world!

    ok. man has a number of options:

    1. get a bloody tool for murder

    2. sit back and enjoy the scene

    3. ask the actors to just relocate

    and the shower happens to be their matrimonial bath! i recommend option two!

    a beautiful scene.

    let it play again.

  18. Lol, Nov. I think you forgot the option Kissi suggested. Jump in the bath, there's room for three.

  19. NY, driving back to Miss Damsel-in-Distress would run counter to my advise to Dude in her respect - i.e. ignore her for the rest of his natural life.

  20. Well, Kiz, I know most guys would agree with you.

  21. @ Nana Yaw (your first comment) Exactly...I mean the Law of Karma is at work here...he had the call, left with the mentality of getting his item wet only to have blue-balls. Okay, so he made his way home, disappointed, his tail locked between his legs, perhaps with the intention of venting his manhood anger on his wife. Only to find out that the gap has already been filled, firmly and fully by another. That is the whole explanation of the law of Karma and the law of Cause and Effect, if you doubt me ask any Buddhist or Zen Buddhist.

  22. I believe in 'your' law of karma, Nana F. Just one thing, though, he is likely unmarried. His 'bride' was home unannounced when he got there.

  23. huh! Karma sure does bite hard! think there's been some kind of miscommunication!

  24. Yes about karma. But, Maxine, what is that about miscommunication?

  25. She is a smart woman! I applaud her: what a show of powerful domination. ha ha! Not something I will go as far to do to prove a point, but she has made a point.

  26. So to dominate, she resorts to War Games, huh?


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