Friday, March 19, 2010

As the Weekend Comes

As the weekend comes
And this week dies,
Make the weekend really come
And let this week’s work really end
Find a soft spot
Somewhere, or in your mind
And float through it
With all the pleasures you can find.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Between Love and Friendship

The sun still throws a warm glow
And the stars, glint and glitter
The birds chirrup each dawn
And the days are lotused with laughter
A friendship buds like a Portland Rose
Will it blossom on this social side,
Or bloom across The Besotted Line?
There’s love in Friendship and friendship in Love
And then, there is Love, and there is Friendship.

Poetry - Between Love and Friendship

This morning, I felt an old hunger - poetry! I wrote the poem "Between Love and Friendship. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sweet Rainy Morning

In the showery, half-light morning, on the glistening arch arteries of asphyxiated Accra, the downtown drive is slippery, but smooth and swift. The breeze is brisk: barely beginning to bite. I would do anything for this dream downpour drive every morning.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Salt, Soap and Coca Cola

An unfinished domestic in a friend’s house cannot spout a word of everyday English, they say. She does not admit “salt” or “soap” or “television”. But she utters “TV”, “MTN”, “switched off” and “Coca Cola” on autopilot.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Captain Hook’s Spell

An urbane, cosy restaurant in the Labone/Cantoments neighbourhood in the City of Accra. Its specialty is sea food, and its menu shows both a wide-range fare and healthy high, advance-knowledge prices. It has, how shall we say, maritime decor with mammoth turtle shells, and ‘ship timber’ and ... is that whale bone I saw on the walls? But the one thing that does marvels for my hunger is the sexily short skirts the waitresses wear; and we know the ancient spell that the waitress casts.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Accra Crime Alert – The Case for DIY?

When a domestic doodad breaks down, and you allow in wandering workmen to repair, they may not only come calling; they may also come casing! The Police says the risk runs even with imposters invested in utility company coveralls. Since security-check results are a Haley’s Comet, maybe this is a case for DIY, in the City of Accra, no?